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All escorts in Dubai / Alliyah Shemale

Hottie Alliyah Shemale available on the best escort directory

Alliyah Shemale
+971 50 564 18 72Off duty
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independent Alliyah Shemale (ecorts)

prostitute Alliyah Shemale

Alliyah Shemale, +971 50 564 1872, starts from 2000 AED per hour

prostitute Alliyah Shemale

Alliyah Shemale (Dubai), sexual photo

Age: 22
Height: 167
Weight: 47
Bust size: Small

Nationality: Filipino

1 hour: 2000
2 hours:
All night:
Outcall: Yes
Hi! My name is Alliyah Shemale. I am from Filipino escort, arrived in Dubai to exchange my knowledge on a pleasant spending time alone. I prefer gentlemen, but in order can entertain the ladies. If you want to enjoy my friendliness and charm, insatiable body and reality, which is very similar to fantasy, then I'm ready. Full body and versatile-functional penis will make both of us happy.

Time to call: 9:00 — 23:00


Last updated: 10.08.17
Ad number: 101018

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Passion from Alliyah Shemale

If you are ready to an unknown, like experiments or decided to visit again in bed with shemale, then hurry up. Universal soldier of love and leisure time with her are unforgettable.

Alliyah Shemale is the choice of those who wish to enjoy a passionate relationship. The representative of Filipino escort is young, likes to fantasize, serves not only at her apartment, but outcall it is also possible.

Sweet and friendly lover

Charm is the first step to enjoyment. If you are ready to obtain passion in different ways, immerse yourself into the real world, which consists of massage, striptease, classic, oral, anal, and lesbian sex.

Alliyah Shemale will do for you in Dubai absolutely everything, if you call her from 9 a.m. to 23 p.m. Filipino escort delight services of BDSM, role-playing games and in addition to her rod uses toys. She can be your companion temporary.