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All escorts in Dubai / Muskan

Escort Muskan for a perfect company in Dubai

+971 52 470 48 30call now
Please let me know that you found me through the website ;)

Age: 22
Height: 168
Weight: 43
Bust size: Medium

Nationality: Indian

1 hour: 1000
2 hours: 1500
All night: 2000
Outcall: Yes
My name is Muskan, +971524704830. I am a beauty with model looks, with big eyes and charming breasts. I am waiting for your invitation to a date. I can be a worthy accompaniment to a party or a journey for everyone. But what is the most pleasant for me is to spend time in bed. Let me lick your hot rod, and you will plunge into the sweet bliss of pleasure. Call now for Booking or WhatsApp me +971524704830

Time to call: 10:00 — 10:00


Last updated: 30.10.23
Ad number: 127427

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