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All escorts in Dubai / Aleezay

Escort babe Aleezay for a fabulous night in

+971 56 864 59 00Off duty
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adult massage Aleezay (Dubai)

photo Aleezay

escort Aleezay — pictures and reviews

Aleezay (Dubai)

Age: 25
Height: 178
Weight: 60
Bust size: Small

Nationality: Bangladeshi

1 hour: 1000
2 hours: 2000
All night:
Outcall: Yes
A young Pakistani Aleezay is waiting to welcome those who need the bright sex. Enjoy with me vivid sensations, an opportunity to give physical pleasure. I have friends for different tastes, and they are everyone ready to satisfy you. If you enjoy sex with Asians – here is hidden many surprises for you. Each lady is well-mannered, pleasant to talk to and incredibly beautiful.

Time to call: 10:00 — 20:00

Last updated: 21.04.20
Ad number: 21920

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Aleezay is waiting for your call

Young and sexy – such a partner is needed for everyone. I can please you with the knowledge in the world of sex. Can be different - is exactly what you need. Call me from 10 a.m. to 20 p.m. and I will be your concubine.

If you need an Asian girl, I don't mind to introduce you with my friends who are educated, gentle and ready to give their bodies.

The list of services

Sex is my element. I think that also can be good in famous types and poses. In this case the classical and oral sex will get us in assistant.

I love caresses. It can be Blowjob without condom, created by the lips and tongue, and we can be filled with the help of erotic massage. Passion needs to satisfy us.