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All escorts in Dubai / Sexy Daisy

Escort girl Sexy Daisy for a fabulous night in Dubai

Sexy Daisy
+971 50 936 85 21 Archive
escorts Sexy Daisy (Dubai)

call girl Sexy Daisy, from Dubai

Sexy Daisy, +971 50 936 8521, starts from 800 AED per hour

Sexy Daisy, Dubai

escorts Sexy Daisy (Dubai)

Sexy Daisy, +971 50 936 8521

Sexy Daisy, escort photo

Age: 23
Height: 165
Weight: 47
Bust size: Small

Nationality: Japanese

1 hour: 800
2 hours: 1400
All night: 3000
Outcall: Yes
Amazing Daisy is waiting for you now. You can contact my WhatsApp +971509368521 for my real pictures and video. I would give you all you need, all you want, use all the parts of my body to make you tremble. Me, Daisy is such a charm girl with the amazing body like the pictures you've seen. Just my touches will fire your original desire. I am always wearing luxury and elegant clothes with sexy lingerie. If you are looking for a real adventure with the most luxury and sexy lady. I am waiting for you. Don't miss your chance. I live on my own in an exquisite luxury room, easy to park and close by extremely discreet, or you can ask me for your room just by one call.

Time to call: anytime


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